Bringing Sustainable Change To Ocean Conservation Through AI & Blockchain Technology

We are building the world's most advanced SaaS supply chain platform that provides the data infrastructure for the entire seafood industry from ocean to plate ensuring the lasting survival of our oceans.

Winner of the Best Start Up Pitch 2024

Resource Center

Our unique insights are open-access and publicly available to reach the broadest possible audience through reports.

Our mission is to safeguard the long-term health of all species and ensure the wellbeing of our oceans and our precious planet.

We are driven by a singular vision: A planet where our oceans thrive indefinitely. A legacy we want to leave for ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

Get To Know Us

We firmly believe that through education, transparency and cutting-edge technology, we have the power to effect change and reverse the trend and protect our planet.

Transforming Ocean Conservation Through Machine Learning & AI

Through real-time data analytics we can revolutionise the way we understand and address the critical issue of over fishing, ocean conservation and sustainable seafood sourcing.

Register your Interest

We’re currently working with selected pilot customers, but happy to consider more!